The Charities (Amendment) Bill 2022

Posted in Category(ies): Charities
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The Charities (Amendment) Bill 2022 was published by The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphries on 29 April 2022. The purpose of the Bill is “to provide for a number of amendments to the Charities Act 2009. The proposed amendments aim to improve the ability of the Charities Regulator to conduct its statutory functions, ensuring more proportionate regulation leading to greater public trust and confidence in the charities sector.” The Bill is expected to be enacted later this year.

Some of the provisions include the following;

  • Establish the promotion of human rights as a charitable purpose.

  • Increase the threshold for filing of a full set of Financial Statements from a maximum gross income or expenditure of €100,000 to €250,000 (aligning with the Companies Act 2014).

  • The accounting standard “Charities Statement of Recommended Practices (SORP)” will be compulsory. An exemption will be permitted for charities with a turnover of less than €250,000.

  • Definition of charities trustee to be amended to exclude Company Secretaries (who hold no other office in the charity).

  • Introduction of new statutory fiduciary duties for trustees to act in good faith, avoid conflicts of interest and exercise an objective standard of care, skill and diligence when advancing the charitable purpose of the charity, mirroring similar duties of Directors under the Companies Act 2014.

  • New Definition of the term “Member”. This change extends the requirement to maintain a Register of Members to unincorporated associations.


Click here for full text of the Charities (Amendment) Bill 2022